

PythonでHello Worldの先へ進む

Google App EngineHello Worldを試した人はたくさんいると思いますが、その先に進めていない方のためにチュートリアルを試したログを晒すと見せかけてただのアプリログだったりする。



File "/home/ubuntu-user/NetBeansProjects/HockeyRoster/src/HockeyRoster.py", line 4
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe3' in file /home/ubuntu-user/NetBeansProjects/HockeyRoster/src/HockeyRoster.py on line 4, but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details


Python でUTF-8, shift_jis, euc_jpなど日本語を使う方法


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


Hockey Roster Application

Please choose an option

Press 1 to add a player, 2 to print the team roster, 3 to search for a player on the team, 4 to quit:


Press 1 to add a player, 2 to print the team roster, 3 to search for a player on the team, 4 to quit: 1
Add a player to the roster by providing the following information

First Name: 麻生
Last Name: 太郎
Position: 元総理大臣
Player successfully added to the team roster

Add another? (Y or N)n


Please choose an option

Press 1 to add a player, 2 to print the team roster, 3 to search for a player on the team, 4 to quit: 2

Complete Team Roster


麻生 太郎 - 元総理大臣

=== End of Roster ===


Please choose an option

Press 1 to add a player, 2 to print the team roster, 3 to search for a player on the team, 4 to quit: 3
Enter a player name below to search the team

First Name: 麻生
Last Name: 太郎
麻生 太郎 is in the roster as 元総理大臣


Please choose an option

Press 1 to add a player, 2 to print the team roster, 3 to search for a player on the team, 4 to quit: 1
Add a player to the roster by providing the following information

First Name: 菅
Last Name: 直人
Position: 総理大臣
Player successfully added to the team roster

Add another? (Y or N)n


Please choose an option

Press 1 to add a player, 2 to print the team roster, 3 to search for a player on the team, 4 to quit: 2

Complete Team Roster


麻生 太郎 - 元総理大臣
菅 直人 - 総理大臣

=== End of Roster ===


Please choose an option

Press 1 to add a player, 2 to print the team roster, 3 to search for a player on the team, 4 to quit: 3
Enter a player name below to search the team

First Name: 菅
Last Name: 直人
菅 直人 is in the roster as 総理大臣
Please choose an option

Press 1 to add a player, 2 to print the team roster, 3 to search for a player on the team, 4 to quit:



# HockeyRoster.py
# HockeyRoster アプリケーションの実装ロジック

# Player モジュールから Player クラスをインポート
from Player import Player

# 各 Player オブジェクトを入れるリストを定義
playerList = []

# addPlayer()
# キーボード入力を受け取り、選手オブジェクトを名簿に追加。この関数は、
# 呼び出されるたびに新しい選手オブジェクトを作成し、リストに付加。

def addPlayer():
    addNew = 'Y'
    print "Add a player to the roster by providing the following information\n"
    while addNew.upper() == 'Y':
        first = raw_input("First Name: ")
        last = raw_input("Last Name: ")
        position = raw_input("Position: ")
        id = len(playerList)
        player = Player()
        player.create(id, first, last, position)
        print "Player successfully added to the team roster\n"
        addNew = raw_input("Add another? (Y or N)")

# makeSelection()
# アプリケーションのセレクタを作成。関数は、出力をコマンド行に
# 表示します。次にコマンド行でパラメータをキーボード入力として取得して、
# アプリケーションのオプションを選択。

def makeSelection():
    validOptions = ['1', '2', '3', '4']
    print "Please choose an option\n"

    selection = raw_input("Press 1 to add a player, 2 to print the team roster, 3 to search for a player on the team, 4 to quit: ")
    if selection not in validOptions:
        print "Not a valid option, please try again\n"
        if selection == '1':
        elif selection == '2':
        elif selection == '3':
            print "Thanks for using the HockeyRoster application."

# printRoster()
# リストの内容をレポートとしてコマンド行に出力
def printRoster():
    print "====================\n"
    print "Complete Team Roster\n"
    print "======================\n\n"
    for player in playerList:
        print "%s %s - %s" % (player.first, player.last, player.position)
    print "\n"
    print "=== End of Roster ===\n"

# searchRoster()
# コマンド行から選手名の入力を受け取り、
# 名簿内を検索。選手が名簿内で見つかった場合は、肯定のメッセージを
# 出力。見つからなかった場合は、否定のメッセージを出力。
def searchRoster():
    index = 0
    found = False
    print "Enter a player name below to search the team\n"
    first = raw_input("First Name: ")
    last = raw_input("Last Name: ")
    position = None
    while index < len(playerList):
        player = playerList[index]
        if player.first.upper() == first.upper() or player.last.upper() == last.upper():
            found = True
            position = player.position
        index = index + 1
    if found:
        print '%s %s is in the roster as %s' % (first, last, position)
        print '%s %s is not in the roster.' % (first, last)

# main
# アプリケーションのエントリポイント。アプリケーションのタイトルをコマンド行に
# 出力してから、makeSelection() 関数を呼び出す。

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print "Hockey Roster Application\n\n"
# Player.py
# 選手オブジェクトを入れるコンテナ

class Player:

    # 選手の属性

    id = 0
    first = None
    last = None
    position = None

    # 選手オブジェクトを作成する関数

    def create(self, id, first, last, position):
        self.id = id
        self.first = first
        self.last = last
        self.position = position
